Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Economic justice, as articulated by Vanessa Andreotti, is about fostering equitable systems that recognize and address the complex, interwoven inequalities shaped by historical, social, political, and ecological contexts. It demands a critical examination of how wealth, opportunities, and privileges are distributed and calls for dismantling mechanisms of oppression that perpetuate poverty and marginalization. This justice transcends mere reparation; it aims for holistic transformation, ensuring that economic policies and practices respect the sovereignty and rights of all communities, particularly those historically disadvantaged. It is a commitment to co-creating systems that uphold dignity, reciprocity, and sustainability, acknowledging the interconnectedness of human and more-than-human life, while challenging paradigms of growth that exploit and dehumanize.

See also: cultural supremacy, systemic violence, global change, mental health, human right

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